Show Times
Not Currently Scheduled.About the Show
You know when you hear a great song, and all you want to do is ramble about it to your friend? Join Chloe and Delaney on Thursday at 4 CST for Sound Judgement, a show dedicated to talking about and listening to new and old music. Chloe is a post-punk enthusiast who listens to everything from jazz to country to hip-hop – Delaney is a dedicated Strokes fan with a penchant for the 60s, Bob Dylan, and anything that spans multiple genres. What do they have in common? A superiority complex that needs to be humbled, and a lot of music to talk about and listen to. Every week will feature a different theme, spanning across genres and decades with short introductions from the hosts. Sound Judgement offers a glimpse into the lives of two college students who spend too much time on Spotify, and what they’re listening to.
Week 13: Just Like The Movies – 5/20/21
Week 12: Songs We Love by Artists We Hate – 5/13/21
Week 11: Places – 5/6/21
Week 10: Buried Treasures – 4/29
Week 9: One Woman Shows – 4/22/21
Week 8: Spring Has Sprung – 4/15/21
Week 7: Little Miss Roadtrip – 4/8/21
Week 6: Hometowns – 4/1/21
Week 3: Oldies but Goldies – 03/05/21
Week 1: Best Albums of 2020 – 2/19/21