Tastes Just Like It Costs

Tastes Just Like It Costs

Show Info

Show Times

Timezone: CDT [UTC-5]
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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About the Show

Caroline (dearly missing her ex-co-host Memphis*) pictures this show as a sound collage and an archive. She’s no longer behind the bar at Harper Café (we got too busy to do this show while on shift)…and so the concept evolves.

I play a little bit of everything. On days I am especially missing Memphis, I will mix my recent finds and music obsessions with alt-country, shoegaze, post-punk, indie-rock and slacker rock classics. I will both put you on and put you off.

But it’s a sound collage, not just a radio show. I will read to you, I will sit in noisy places, I will field record my day and play it in the background, I will source sound from friends around the world, I will sing for you, I will call my grandmother, I will cook while we listen to the kid who lives next to me practice the clarinet. We will savor all sorts of sound and silence together.

(*she’s not dead she just graduated and moved to new york…new york sounds incoming.)

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